It's amazing how slow twelve days can be for those of us who have it to do all over again and how fast they pass for those who are on their annual vacations. This cruise, to-date, has been a new experience for me. ...
we spent the morning in bberck/b-sur-mer. actually, we spent the morning walking toward the sea. you see, we arrived just at low tide, and i am not kidding you when i say that we walked at least a mile to get from the street to the water, ...
?qst notte ha il profumo dell?bestate/b?fulgore d quegli odori?d quei crepuscoli ke nn vuoi abbandonare? ?un p? cm l?abbraccio?l?abbraccio d due anime ke si stringono?annerite dal controluce? ?noi eravamo quelle anime?nn scuotere la b.../b